ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º This information file gives you some extra information º º about the REBEL DECADE 1.2 program. º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Rebel Decade 1.2 is a bugfix update replacing Rebel Decade 1.1 Bugfix (1) ---------- Some video cards gave problems, resulting in all kind of troubles. If this happens run the program with the "V" parameter! Example: REBEL.EXE V Bugfix (2) ---------- Game to Textfile bugfix Improvements ------------ - Removed the 3 ad's on the end of the program, now only one. - Added up to date Product Info. WINDOWS '95 ... running Rebel ============================== REBEL DECADE is fully tested on Windows'95. However in case of problems create a shortcut on REBEL.EXE Edit the shortcut as follows: - Select PROGRAM - Select MSDOS and click ok. Another possibility ------------------- - Start / Restart your computer. - After the message "Starting Windows95" press F8 - Select MSDOS mode - Go to your installed DECADE directory - Start the program with REBEL.EXE Windows 95 and DOS pogramma's ============================= On some computers it may happen that the Screensaver of Windows'95 disturbs the proper behaviour of MSDOS programs. If this happens turn off the Windows'95 Screensaver. Openingbooks ============ The program has 3 book opening libraries: - Rebel.mvs (100.000 moves) (Rebel 8.0 has 850.000 moves!!) - Small.mvs ( 60.000 moves) ^^^^^^^ - Kasparov.mvs (100.000 moves) After installation REBEL.MVS is active. The SMALL.MVS is made especially for users who have a slow machine or have no disk-caching program installed and find the response time too long when using the large REBEL.MVS book. KASPAROV.MVS is a special book which is created out of more than 1000 games played by Gary Kasparov. Should you select this book, the program will play the same openings as Kasparov himself. Extra information on the Rebel Database system: =============================================== In the directory GAMES you will find 4 Databases: 1.. GAMEBASE : More than 1000 (grand)master games. 2.. TACTICS : 50 tactical positions with full explanation. 3.. BT-2450 : 30 positions to test the computers ELO rating. 4.. BT-2630 : 30 positions to test strong chessprograms. The Rebel DataBase is alfabetically organized. The advantages are clear: you will get all players properly sorted by name on your screen or printer. The Rebel DataBase is based on the famous B-Tree algorithm. This means in practice that if you have a DataBase of more than for example 1.000.000 games and you then search for specific game(s), the function "Search Names" will find those game(s) within seconds! The Rebel Database is also fully ELO based. All players in the standard Database on your system, are provided with their corresponding ELO rating of the latest FIDE ELO-list. In "Overviews", the calculation of a new ELO for any given player is based on his results in the Database. You therefore have the possibility of creating you chessclub's own database and thereby keeping a detailed track of the club players ELO- progress. In principal you can make a DataBase as big as you want. The only disadvantage is that it makes the "Overviews" slow, because of all the sorting the program has to do. Quick guide of the HOT keys =========================== ALT_M : Force a move. ALT_H : Execute the Hintove. ALT_T : Display "TEACHER" info. ALT_B : Take Back 3 moves. ALT_F : Move Forward 3 moves. ALT_L : Load Game. ALT_N : Load Next Game. ALT_G : New Game. ALT_X : Exit to DOS. ALT_I : Game Info. - : Take Back half a move + : Move Forward half a move HOME : Go to the start of the game END : Go to the end of the game Mouse control ... General Rules =============================== A mouse driver such as GMOUSE.COM (SYS) or similar must be installed in order to play with a mouse. This is the user's own responsibility. Mouse users have the following advantages copared to keyboard users: 1) Clicking on one of the two NAMES (right above) will swap those names. For example "Player / Computer" will become "Computer / Player" and vice versa. 2) Clicking on one of the two CLOCKS will swap those clocks. 3) Clicking on the displayed bookmoves will execute them. 4) Clicking on the displayed hintmove will execute the move. (ALT_H) 5) Clicking on <- will take back one move. (-) 6) Clicking on <<- will take back three full moves (ALT_B) 7) Clicking on -> will move forward 1 move in the game (+) 8) Clicking on ->> will move forward 3 full moves in the game (ALT_F) 9) Clicking on a move in the GAME WINDOW will act as a GOTO MOVE. 10) Clicking on an empty place in the INFO WINDOW will swap the GAME information with the TEACHER information when TEACHER is activated. (ALT_T) 11) Clicking on MVS in the Database loading screen will swap between the display of MOVES and TEXT. Additional information and examples of some features ==================================================== ANALYSE GAME: ============= Choose a level to analyse the game. Goto the move where you want to start the analysis. You can choose to analyse either: - The white moves, or - The black moves, or - Both the white and the black moves. Book moves will be automatically skipped. The results of the analysis are given in the corresponding MOVE COMMENT and if Rebel finds any interesting differences these moves will be marked by "!!". You can abort the analysis by ESC or clicking on EXIT. Following the analysis you can study the results by replaying the game. EXAMPLE : - Suggest the following game between "A" and "B" with the moves: 1.f2-f3 e7-e5 2.g2-g4 Ng8-f6 - When this game is analysed you get the following output: A 7.00 -0.15 f2-f3 e7-e5 e2-e4 Bf8-c5 Ng1-e2 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Rebel 7.00 +0.16 e2-e4 e7-e5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 e5xd4 Nf3xd4 Remarks : - "A" played 1. f2-f3 which scores -0.15 - Rebel suggests playing 1. e2-e4 while it scores +0.16 B 7.00 0.14 e7-e5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 e2-e4 Nb8-c6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 Rebel 7.00 0.14 e7-e5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 e2-e4 Nb8-c6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 Remarks : - "B" played 1.. e7-e5. - Rebel fully agrees ... moves and scores are equal. A 2.00 Mate in -1 move g2-g4 Qd8-h4+ Rebel !! 6.01 -0.09 Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 e2-e4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 Remarks : - "A" played 2. g2-g4 which is a terrible move because black now can give a checkmate by 2.. Qd8-h4 (!!) - Rebel would have played Nb1-c3 here. B 1.00 0.48 Ng8-f6 Rebel !! 1.09 Checkmate! Qd8-h4+ Remarks : - "B" played 2.. Ng8-f6 - Black has overlooked the checkmate! If Rebel finds a score difference of « pawn between the 2 moves, the line will be marked by "!!" showing "Rebel !!" instead of "Rebel". ANALYSE DATABASE: ================= Analyse all games in a Database. Only the start position of a game will be analysed. This feature is very useful if you want to create a database with, for instance, tactical positions. The program analyses all the games in the database and writes the results to a new database. When the analysis is finished, load the newly created database and study the results. The newly created database contains as output the last 3 best lines of the analysed position. The BT2450 and BT2630 databases are especially suitable to testing with the "Analyse Database" option. Just load the particular database, chose a level and then analyse it! EXAMPLES OF THE "SEARCH TEXT" OPTION IN THE DATABASE: ===================================================== a).. You want to see all the games of the LINARES tournament; Just type by TEXT "Linares". b).. You want to see all the games of Kasparov played in 1991. - Type "Kasparov" in the "WHITE NAME". - Type "1991" by DATE. c).. You want to see all the games between Kasparov and Karpov which were won by Kasparov. - Type "Kasparov" in the "WHITE NAME". - Type "Karpov" in the "BLACK NAME". - Type "+" in the SCORE. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º I M P O R T A N T º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ After loading the first game with these selections a "Load Next" loads the next game with these selections! This counts for all selection options! EXAMPLES OF THE "SEARCH MOVES" and "SEARCH POSITION" OPTION: ============================================================ Suppose you are either playing a game against the program, playing a correspondence game, or that you want to do some book opening preparation on your opponent, just ask advice from the Database with "SEARCH MOVES" or "SEARCH POSITION". All games in the Database will be listed if the current board position is found. Using ALT_M or by clicking on MVS, you will see how games were continued. EXAMPLE OF THE "TOURNAMENT OVERVIEW" OPTION IN THE DATABASE: ============================================================ You will be prompted for the tournament you want to see. All players who have played in that tournament are displayed and are sorted by their scores. In this way you can see the final results of the selected tournament. Example: select "LINARES". The Database will report that IVANCHUK has won this tournament with a score of 9« out of 13. His start ELO was 2710 and based on THIS tournament his new ELO is 2719. Click on TXT if you want a TXT file of the results. EXAMPLE OF THE BOOK OPENINGS OVERVIEW" OPTION IN THE DATABASE: ============================================================== This function is very useful if you wish to prepare yourself for your opponent. This function scans the current Database for all known opening lines and makes an overview of it. You can easily see which openings are played and their results. If you must play next week (for example) against Kasparov with white and you want to prepare yourself then select "Kasparov" in the "Black Name". The program provides you with a complete list of all the black games played by Kasparov. You can see by the results which opening gives you the best chances. Also here you have the possibility of fine-tuning your selections (text,date and score). ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º I M P O R T A N T º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Making TEXT files is available on every database overview. The results will be stored into the TEXT directory. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE REORGANISATION FUNCTION OF THE DATABASE: ====================================================================== This function is only useful if you have deleted games in the Database. The program reorganizes the Database by removing all DELETED games. The positive outcome is that your are gaining disk space. It also makes the Database faster depending of howmany deleted games were found in the Database. Before the reorganisation starts you can see how much disk space you will gain. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE "TEACHER" FEATURE: ================================================ When active the program shows the following information of the CURRENT BOARDPOSITION: 1).. Hanging pieces : - The two most important hanging pieces are displayed. Be sure, don't lose a piece! 2).. Passed pawns : - Shows your passed pawns. Maybe you can promote? 3).. Weak pawns : - Shows the weak pawns you have. Be careful you can easily lose such a pawn. 4).. Pinned pieces : - Shows your pinned pieces. Be careful moving these pieces, you can easily lose material. Points 1 to 4 above have given information about the most important fields of your position. Points 5 to 8 will perform a quick judgement about your position. 5).. Pawn Structure : - All aspects of your pawn structure are taken into account (structure / isolated pawns /backward pawns) and a judgement is given. 6).. Passed Pawn : - A judgement of your passed pawns chances for possible promotion is given. 7).. Your Mobility : - A judgement of your mobility is given. Always be careful not to have a bad mobility. You can lose very quickly. 8).. Your King safety: - A judgement of your king safety is given, take special care not to have a bad kingsafety. You can be mated very quicky. Possible judgement descriptions for point 5 to 8 are: - VERY GOOD ... You have a superior position. - FINE ... You have great advantage. - GOOD ... You have advantage. - SLIGHTLY BETTER ... You have a small advantaget. - BALANCED ... The position is in balance. - SLIGHTLY WORSE ... You have a small disadvantage. - MODERATE ... You have a disadvantage. (be careful) - BAD ... You are in the danger zone. - VERY BAD ... Red alert ! Remarks and limitations of the TEACHER function: ================================================ Clicking in an empty place in the INFOMENU will swap the "TEACHER INFO" with the "POSITION INFO". Keyboard users use "ALT_T" here. The TEACHER information is always given from the movers point of view. The judgement texts are always given as a SUM from black and white. This may have the following effects: a).. Your king is well protected and TEACHER says "Your King safety is VERY GOOD" then this means you have an enormous pressure on your opponents' king. b).. You have a normal pawn structure and TEACHER reports "Your pawn structure is FINE" this means that your opponent has certainly some (very) bad pawns. TEACHER is not allowed to conduct a very deep search about the current position because of time restrictions. It's calculation is very superficial and therefore, it's judgements will not always be 100% correct. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE "RESIGN" FEATURE: =============================================== The program will resign under the following conditions: - If the score of the program is below -9.99; - If the score of the program is below -4.99 and the program has no Queen left. End of information. For more information write to: Schr”der BV P.O. Box 6365 7401JJ Deventer The Netherlands or on the Internet: Home Page: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rebchess Email : rebchess@xs4all.nl ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º D I S T R I B U T I O N º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ The REBEL products are distributed by a wide range of distributors all over the world. See REBEL INFO in the START menu of the chessprogram or read the file DEALER.TXT